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Prajna Now: Lectures & Discussions with Tias (6)
Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions (412)
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Tias Little
Anne Hart
Janet Curry
Surya Little
Tias Little
Tias & Surya Little
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Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 2: Blood
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Blood is created from the food we eat thus and is critical to sustaining the body's vitality.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 1: Plasma
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We start with the fluids that give rise to all tissues of the body.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 6: Nerve
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We increase sensory flow through the nerve tissue and coherency of the nervous system.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 7: Semen/Ovum
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The reproductive tissue is closely paired to immunity, physical vitality, and longevity.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 3: Muscle
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We examine the role of muscle, collagen, and the perifascia around the organs.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 4: Fat
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Explore how fat plays a crucial role in energy storage, protection, sensory awareness.
Tias Little
The Magnificent Seven: The Dhatus in Yoga | Day 5: Bone
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The bone houses both vitality and longevity for the entire body.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Day 1: Apana
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Day 1 serves to release congestion, strain and imbalances in the lower abdomen in order to increase mobility within the first and second chakras.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Day 2: Samana
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Day 2 aims to help release holding in the mid trunk and the the solar plexus.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Day 3: Prana
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In Day 3 we concentrate on opening the upper rib area, the sternum and collar bones in order to improve elasticity of the lungs.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Day 4: Udana
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In Day 4, we will see how stress, psychological tension, and emotional strain result in constriction in the neck, jaw, and tongue.
Tias Little
Anatomy of the Vayus | Day 5: Vyana
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Vyana, the “dispersing breath” serves to build meditative awareness, serenity, and deep rest.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Garland Pose
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Practicing Malasana—the Garland Pose—is a squat position that requires elasticity in the feet, ankles, knees and hips.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Great Seal, Mahamudra
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Called the Great Seal, this pose is key to lifting the organs, opening the prana in the chest and tonifying the throat via the throat seal (jalandhara bandha).
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Karma and the Legs
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This class explores the ways in which habitual patterns of tension become embedded in the musculature of the legs.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Pressure Point Release Practice for the Front
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In this class we release specific acupressure and mama points along the ventral side. Have a tennis ball or physio ball handy.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Pressure Point Release Practice for the Back
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In this class we release specific acupressure and marma points along the dorsum. Have a tennis ball or physio ball handy.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Working with Eyes in Yoga
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In this class we synchronize eye movements with somatic movement in order to shift neurological patterns in the connective tissues.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga as the Union of Opposites
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When practicing yoga postures, it is valuable to learn to move in two opposing directions simultaneously.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Twists and Turns
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Through forward bends and twists, this class serves to unlock the low back and sacrum and unveil the energy that moves through the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stringing the Bow
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Like the way an archer strings his bow, in this class you will build readiness and suppleness to your spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stretching to the East
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When stretching the front side of the body we open to the dawn and the energy of sunrise.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stretching to the West
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In this class we lengthen and widen the back by practicing paschimottanasana (West side stretch) and its variations.
Tias Little
SATYA 2 | Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement
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In SATYA 2, you will learn more complex sequencing, more nuanced variations of movement, and more about the physiological benefits.
Tias Little
SATYA 3 | Online Immersion | February 2022
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SATYA 3 investigates the therapeutic benefits of SATYA on the nervous system, endocrine system, digestion, and circulation in order to heal the subtle body.
Tias Little
SATYA 3 | Online Immersion | March 2023
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SATYA 3 investigates the therapeutic benefits of SATYA on the nervous system, endocrine system, digestion, and circulation in order to heal the subtle body.
Tias Little
SATYA 3 | Sensory Awareness Training for Yoga Attunement
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SATYA 3 investigates the therapeutic benefits of SATYA on the nervous system, endocrine system, digestion, and circulation in order to heal the subtle body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Architecture of Headstand
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This class lays the foundation for practicing a safe and secure headstand. Learn to use your legs to launch upward in the pose.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Balance Point
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In this class we build stability in the legs and hips through standing balance poses.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | From Hips to Heart: The Pigeon Pose
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The Pigeon Pose (which could also be called the Dove Pose) involves powerful opening of the hip, upward stretch of the spine, and expansion of the chest.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | In the Flow of Fascia
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In this class we align and balance our fascia by alternately lengthening and shortening our connective tissues. This provides a feeling of integration and whole
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Psoas-Diaphragm Connection
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This class establishes length and strength in the psoas in order to facilitate deeper and softer breathing.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Moving on the Diagonal
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This class explores many different patterns of diagonal movement order to bring greater alignment to the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Unwinding the Ribs
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This class frees up restrictions throughout the ribs which in turn helps release tightness around the organs and compression around the diaphragm.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Deep Sleep
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This class starts with movement and leads to the practice of yogic sleep (yoga nidra).
Tias Little
The Path of Practice | Online 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training | In-Depth Prajna Study
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The Path of Practice plants the seeds for becoming a yoga teacher, should it be your calling to become a yoga guide.
3 Course Bundle
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