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Spine & Back Body
Prajna Now: Lectures & Discussions with Tias (6)
Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions (412)
300/500 Hour Courses (39)
Hips & Legs (68)
Shoulders & Arms (39)
Restorative Practice (11)
Power of Breath (39)
SATYA Somatics (15)
Spine & Back Body (67)
Feet, Ankles, & Arches (14)
Yoga Nidra (4)
Women's Health (2)
Organ Health (71)
Core (18)
Wrists & Hands (8)
Head, Neck, & Jaw (20)
Anatomy (51)
The Nervous System (12)
Ayurveda (6)
Anne Hart
Janet Curry
Surya Little
Tias Little
Tias & Surya Little
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Spine & Back Body
Prajna Live | Twists: Squeeze & Soak
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Enjoy twists in a delightful way to create space in your abdomen, ribs, and trunk.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Mind Your Back
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Gather your energy inward and open your back body through forward bends.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Lightning Bolt Pose
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In this class we do variations of the lightning pose, vajrasana, to spark open the bio-electric currents that flow through the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Spinal Revelation
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In this class we focus on the bioenergetics of spinal motion.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Core Link: Tongue, Jaw, and Spine
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In this class we release tension in the neck, jaw, and tongue in order to help mobilize the vertebral column and draw the kundalini through the “holy tube” of the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Belly to Earth – Belly Down Backbends
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We do variations on shalabhasana (locust), dhanurasana (bow), and bhekasana (frog).
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Twist Open
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Through twists, we tap the profound ways that twisting poses bring life, creativity, joy, and energy to the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Hanging and Draping the Spine
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In this class we lengthen the spine using traction.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Pressure Point Release Practice for the Back
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In this class we release specific acupressure and marma points along the dorsum. Have a tennis ball or physio ball handy.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stringing the Bow
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Like the way an archer strings his bow, in this class you will build readiness and suppleness to your spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stretching to the West
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In this class we lengthen and widen the back by practicing paschimottanasana (West side stretch) and its variations.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Balancing the Four Pillars of the Spine
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In this class we bring stability, suppleness, and support to the temple of the spine by balancing these four pillars.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Key to Spinal Motion
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This class highlights moving from the lowest vertebral segment at the sacrum, and the very top of the spine at the base of the skull.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Go Fish!
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In this class we bring flow and fluidity to the upper trunk via matsyasana and its variations.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Paraspinal Equipoise
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In this class we bring stability to the Paraspinal Muscles that run the length of the side spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Backbenders of the World Unite!
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In this class we do back arches to build longevity in the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Blossoming Backbends
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In this class we move slowly and safely through a practice of back arches to both rejuvenate and stimulate the spine in order to bloom both heart and lungs.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | It’s All About the Lats
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In this class we stretch and strengthen the lats and use this muscle to support the ribs in pranayama.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Sthira in the Spine
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In this class we engage the spinal muscles and ligaments to make the spine light, lifted, and balanced.
Tias & Surya Little
Prajna Live | Harvesting Backbends
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In this class we give particular emphasis to shoulderstand and headstand back arches that are considered sacred.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Building a Bridge into the New Year
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We practice variations of bridge pose to make the spine flexible and the shoulders supple.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Spinal Spirals
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We take the spine through spiral patterns in supine, seated, and standing positions.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | For the Love of the Spine
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We balance all twenty-six bones of the spine with the ligaments.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Four Pillars of the Spine
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We support the architecture of the spine by visualizing pillars surrounding the spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Sacred Midline
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In this class we initiate all movements from the sacred midline of the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Low Back: Moving Through the Gate of Life
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We do movements to increase the flow of prana through the kidneys, adrenals, and the Gate of Life
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Sublime Path of Spinal Fluid
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In this class we sense fluid presence from coccyx to crown to experience the center of our being.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Activating Arches: Feet, Hands, and Lower Back
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In this class we build strength in the distal “arches” of the hands and feet.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Harvesting Backbends with Surya
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This class will explore a great variety of back arches, both supported and unsupported.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Yoga for Spinal Ligaments, Discs, and Intervertebral Spaces
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By making fine movements in the spine, we support the flow of prana through the central channel.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Lunge into the New Year
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Lunge into the New Year by opening your hip joints, sacrum and low spine.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Stretch BACK, Reach FORWARD
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This class aims to keep the spine young and strong, ready for all the changes that lie ahead.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Transverse Abdominus
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In this class we engage the most internal abdominal muscle, the Transverse Abdominus.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Active Twists to Stimulate Digestion
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The spring season is the best time to cleanse, flush, and detox the gut after a long winter. In this class we do poses to stimulate digestion.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Opening the Gates of the New Year
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In this class we do many variations of the Gate Pose.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Building a Bridge into the New Year
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In this class we practice many variations of bridge pose in order to make the spine flexible.
Tias Little
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