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Prajna Now: Lectures & Discussions with Tias (6)
Prajna Live: All Recorded Practice Sessions (399)
Hips & Legs (65)
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Tias Little
Anne Hart
Janet Curry
Surya Little
Tias Little
Tias & Surya Little
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Tias Little
Prajna Live | Somatic Healing Practices for Organic Prana Flow: Tao te Ching, Verse 12 | Online Practice
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In this class we draw the senses inward to observe flow of the Tao in the internal organs through twists and side bends.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Somatic Healing & Meditation: Tao te Ching, Verse 11 | Online Practice
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In this class we use metaphor of the empty space in the hub of the wheel to embody space in the abdomen, chest, and skull.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Stretching and Opening the Lungs
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In this class we consider the lungs to be like waterways and through practice we saturate the lungs in prana, while weaving in Verse 8 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Balancing the Hips
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In this class we take the hip joints through all angles of motion—flexion, extension, and internal and external rotation, while weaving in Verse 2 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Turtle
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In this class we make the spine flexible by creating an open back and lifted spine. Like the turtle withdrawing its limbs, in meditation we draw our senses inward.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Guided Meditation & Sacral Chakra Release: Tao te Ching, Verse 78
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In this class we bring inner flow to the nadis of the legs and arms through inner leg work sacral releases.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Somatic Healing, Yin Yoga, & Restorative Practice: Tao te Ching, Verse 43
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In this practice we use ease, relaxation, and no-force to open all the channels of the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: ROM in the Shoulders
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In this class we develop range of motion in the shoulder girdle through weight bearing and non-weight bearing movements, while weaving in Verse 7 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Breath Work & Back Care: Tao te Ching, Verse 36
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We practice movements to release the spine by integrating the line “the supple overcomes the hard.”
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Meditation on Space, First Chakra, & the Roots of the Body: Tao te Ching, Verse 16
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In this class we return to source by exploring the “roots” of the feet and hands in all poses.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Lower Belly
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In this class we tap the deep vitality in the “well” of the lower belly, while weaving in Verse 4 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Hamstring/Quadricep Balance
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Finding right effort in all poses conserves the vital life force. In this class we expand and stretch the hamstring/quadricep balance, while weaving in Verse 3 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Meditation, Restorative Yoga, & Hip Releases: Tao te Ching, Verse 14
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We balance opposites and follow the Tao to the subtlest edge through hip releases and lower back movements.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Heron and the Crane
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In this class we realize the grace and elegance of the fishing bird celebrated in yoga, tai chi and Zen.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Camel
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In this class we do camel pose to bring ease and lightness to the entire body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Eagle
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Practicing Garudasana brings steadiness, balance, and equipoise to both mind and body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Dog with Surya
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In this class we explore variations of upward dog and downward dog while bringing elasticity to the hands, wrists, and shoulders.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Locust with Surya
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With the body lying long on the floor like an insect, we arch the back to make the body as light as a grasshopper.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Feet, Foot Arches, and Ankles
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In this class we tap into the source of power in the body by stretching and opening the feet, foot arches and ankles in all poses, while weaving in Verse 1 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | The Tao of Yoga: Prana in the Spinal Center
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In this class we energize the center spine by mobilizing the breath into the central channel, while weaving in Verse 6 from the Tao te Ching.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | TFL and IT Band
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The TFL muscle is a short, sneaky muscle that wraps the iliotibial band around to the front pelvis. Be sure to have your roller or physiological ball ready as we release this muscle along with the entire IT band.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Cellular Rhythms
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In this class we connect to the vibratory hum within the cells by alternating between filling and emptying, and rising and falling movements.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Tibialis Posterior
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In this class we begin engaging “from the ground up" the deepest, most internal muscle of the leg, the Tibialis Posterior.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Abdominal Oblique
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We like to say it is “obliquatory” to stretch and strengthen the sides of the abdominal cavity each day.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Quadricep
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In this class we stretch and strengthen the quads to increase cardio vascular flow and to build core stability.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Paraspinal Muscles
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In this class we make the spine buoyant and strong by working the paraspinal muscles in front folds, backbends, and twists.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Opening the Hips II
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In this class we take a deeper dive into the hips with more complex and challenging hip work.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Opening the Knees
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In this class we safely extend, flex and rotate the knee joint. We build strength and stability in the cartilage and tendons that form the architecture of the knee.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Light on Breath of Fire
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In the practice of asana and somatic movement, we use Breath of Fire to rinse, cleanse and flush the many airways of the lungs and to bring energy and luminosity to the mind-heart.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Blood Flow Venous
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In this class we support blood flow back to the heart by pumping the legs and churning the abdomen.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | In the River of the Spine: Cranial-Sacral Fluid
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In this class, we promote fluid wave-like movements through the spine, spinal cord, and brain tissue.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Love’s Body
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In meditation and movement practice, we celebrate the body of love by drenching all the tissues in oxygen rich prana.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Blood Flow Arterial
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In this class we build the cardio-vascular pulse to nourish all the cells of the body.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Lymphatic Flow
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In this class we do positions to rock, lift, invert, and pump the lymphatic channels in order to support lymph drainage.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Serratus Anterior
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In this class we do side bends and inversions and conclude with pranayama via the support of the serratus anterior.
Tias Little
Prajna Live | Piriformis
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The piriformis travels from the outer hip through the center of the buttock and is a primary culprit in creating sciatic pain. By release of this muscle, an entire swoosh of bioelectric flow moves up through the spine.
Tias Little
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