The deltoid muscles in the outer shoulder resemble the glut muscles of the outer hips. These muscles are typically overused and become constricted. In this class we open these areas so kinetic energy can flow like a river through the shoulders and hips.

Originally aired: January 28, 2022

Prajna Yoga: Tias & Surya Little

Prajna Yoga makes its home in the foothills of Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the founders’ home, Tias and Surya Little, where they have lived since 1997. 

Underlying our teaching is that we do not do poses for the sake of the pose, but for the quality of the attention within the pose. Through yoga postures, dharma study, guided meditation, the yoga of sound, somatic awareness, and dream work, this is a practice that allows for unique and personal transformation.

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  Prajna Live | Opening Wide the Delta: Outer Shoulders and Outer Hips
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