The Five Vows:

  1. Purify Body and Mind
  2. Find True Contentment Within
  3. Change the Chemistry of Your Body
  4. Practice Daily Contemplation
  5. Embody Faith

In the New Year, we set an intention to practice the five inner vows. The five affirmations constitute the second limb of Ashtanga Yoga, called niyama. In this unique course, we cultivate these five — cleanliness, contentment, physical discipline, contemplation, and devotion — to heal the split between body, mind, and spirit and prepare for the later limbs of yoga. We explore ways to personalize each of the five vows in accord with one's own biography, age, religious upbringing, karmic history, and physical constitution. Each day will include meditation, discussion, postural yoga, and pranayama. Through an embodiment of the niyamas, commit to deepening your personal practice for greater nourishment, contentment, and clarity.  

COST: $725


  • Practices to cleanse the nerve and blood channels of the body (nadis)
  • Meditations to neutralize unwholesome thoughts and afflictive emotions
  • Learn the essentials of pancha karma and dietary cleansing
  • Using SATYA and supported poses to cleanse and repair the lymphatic system
  • Cultivate inner contentment and equanimity through somatic and psychic touch 
  • Practices to counter depression, despair and nihilism
  • Practice right effort or “right tapas”
  • Burn through confined mind states and states of physical tension
  • Dharma study to affirm your connection to sacred teachings
  • Using the archetypes to help clarify your personal connection to source
  • Embodying a spirit of devotion unique to you and your history
  • Connect to a source of support and trust in the 4th dimension
  • Yoking to unconditional awareness as a source of joy


Daily Live Zoom Meetings March 2 - 6 | 9:30am - 12:30pm Mountain Time *except Friday, March 4 | 9:00am - 1:30pm


**Please note ALL Live Zoom sessions and classes will be recorded should you be unable to attend any live streams. These recordings are available indefinitely.

** The Inner Practice: The Five Vows is good for 30 hours of total combined live training, pre-recorded material, and classes available for Continuing Education hours through Yoga Alliance. All course materials are available indefinitely.

** The Inner Practice: The Five Vows can be applied towards the required hours for the Prajna Yoga 300/500-Hour Program.

Course Curriculum

  Introduction & Welcome
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Included Prajna Live Classes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Ask a Question
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 1: Purify Body and Mind
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 2: Find True Contentment Within
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 3: Tapas | Change the Chemistry of Your Body
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 4: Practice Daily Contemplation
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Day 5: Embody Faith
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Post Workshop Meetup & Biographical Imprint Reflections
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

This course is closed for enrollment.

Prajna Yoga: Tias and Surya Little

In Sanskrit, the word Prajna means insight, deep understanding, and mindfulness. It suggests a dynamic embodied wisdom that permeates every cell and every tissue in the body. Prajna Yoga is a profound journey inward.

We believe that yoga is a pathway that begins in the outer layers of the body and mind and navigates inward to the mystical, subtle, and rarely seen interior. We combine meditative practice with the power and grace of asana training. In a process that requires sensitivity and inner listening, we explore the sheaths of connective tissue, muscle, and bone in order to bring about greater wakefulness, luminosity, and space within.